AgriHQ AgriStars is a celebration of rural New Zealanders.
We collaborate with our commercial partners to help them showcase the contributions, talents and accomplishments of their people in a unique storytelling format.
All AgriHQ AgriStar stories are shared with our highly targeted rural audience in Farmers Weekly and on farmersweekly.co.nz, reaching an engaged readership of well over 100,000.
We invite you to invest in celebrating an AgriStar of your own, be they a staff member, a customer, a team, or a farmer that is making a significant impact in your community. Please contact Andy Whitson, andy.whitson@agrihq.co.nz for more information.

#4 Logan and Sian Dawson dial in on the details
Logan and Sian Dawson were nominated by FMG rural manager Jen Stokes as AgriStars after they walked away with the Waikato Dairy Industry Awards Sharemilker of the Year this year and came second in nationals.
The pair, who run a System 5 high-input operation and milk 900 Friesian Jersey crossbred cows, say they love the lifestyle – “being able to come home and have lunch with my kids is a privilege. It’s satisfying spending time on the land with the animals”.

#3 Crozier brothers: planting and growing the family brand
Brothers Andrew, Glen and Todd Crozier have been nominated as AgriStars by FMG for the way they approach continuity of their Canterbury market garden operation.

#2 Mark Polson, sheep and beef farmer, Whanganui
Fifth-generation farmer and Beef + Lamb New Zealand associate director Mark Polson and wife Lynsey gave up corporate life when the call to carve their own path drew them back to the farm. This AgriStar, nominated by FMG area manager Grant Jones, has to keep his finger on the pulse of 4500 hectares, spread across four farms in Whanganui under the Waipuna Farms portfolio.

#1 Peter Morgan, dairy farmer, Waikato
Pete Morgan, a forward-thinking Waikato farmer, leads the agricultural charge with a tech-friendly approach on his 265-hectare dairy farm. Recognised as an AgriStar by UBCO, Pete integrates GPS tracking, climate modeling, and innovative field tech like virtual fencing and electric utility bikes. He envisions a sustainable future, emphasising resilience and reduced environmental impact.